Helen Raybould's Lab at UCDavis

Author: Michael Goodson

As a scientist, I am fascinated by how the body energetically maintains itself and figuring out how the food we seem to love short circuits this. How the microscopic universe that inhabits our digestive system gets involved in this is especially cool to me. I love wrangling big data and working on really great experiment in the labs. I also love to make sawdust, great food and cocktail and to play in the dirt.

Congratulations, Dr. Lee

A belated congratulations and farewell to Dr. Sunhye Lee.  Sunny leaves us to take a position as an Assistant Professor at Sun Moon University in Asan, South Chungcheong, South Korea.  We wish you the greatest success in you career.

Congratulations, Dr. Huang

A belated congratulations to Dr. Kuei-Pin “KP” Huang.  KP leaves us to begin a postdoc in Dr. Amber Alhadeff’s lab at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia.

Congratulations, Dr. Ehrlich

Congratulations to the Raybould Lab’s newest Ph.D., Dr. Amy Ehrlich.  She is already starting her next chapter in Denmark.  We look forward to seeing what great things are in store.

2017 Zoetis Award for Research Excellence

Congratulation to Dr. Raybould for being this years recipient of the Zoetis Award for Research Excellence.

Our lab’s latest publications, which takes a close look at the gut microbiota – host response by examining effects of prebiotics on gut function.

Prebiotic milk oligosaccharides prevent development of obese phenotype, impairment of gut permeability and microbial dysbiosis in high-fat fed mice

M. Kristina Hamilton, Charlotte C. Ronveaux, Bret M. Rust, John W. Newman, Melissa Hawley, Daniela Barile, David A. Mills, Helen E. Raybould

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